How to cancel a subscription?
You need to cancel your subscription to our services or app? We are sorry to hear that. Here are the ways how you can do that.
If you made a subscription in the app which you downloaded from AppStore you can cancel that in your iTunes/iCloud Account. Here a details instructions on how you can do that:
Please note that all in-app purchases from the App Store or related to Apple are linked to your iCloud account. App owners can't manage or cancel subscriptions/payments in your private account. Therefore, you can only cancel any subscriptions by yourself.
If you made a subscription/payment on our website, here are several ways how you can do that:
1) In the application you should be signed in to an account related to your subscription. Then, in the app settings, open the Payment section. And there you will have the option to manage your payments.
2) Contact support with your ‘Cancel Subscription request’ and we cancel your subscription.
3) In the purchase confirmation that you received to email, there included the unsubscribe link.
Take into account, when your subscription cycle ended, your full access will be invalidated.
If you cancel a subscription/payment during the free trial period related to the app, your full access will be immediately deactivated and you lose access to the paid features.
Important! If you delete the app it does not cancel your subscription. To avoid issues, you should cancel your subscription, and only then delete the app.
macOS or iOS app and you made a purchase in Apple App Store
If you made a subscription in the app which you downloaded from AppStore you can cancel that in your iTunes/iCloud Account. Here a details instructions on how you can do that:
Please note that all in-app purchases from the App Store or related to Apple are linked to your iCloud account. App owners can't manage or cancel subscriptions/payments in your private account. Therefore, you can only cancel any subscriptions by yourself.
macOS app and you made a purchase on our website
If you made a subscription/payment on our website, here are several ways how you can do that:
1) In the application you should be signed in to an account related to your subscription. Then, in the app settings, open the Payment section. And there you will have the option to manage your payments.
2) Contact support with your ‘Cancel Subscription request’ and we cancel your subscription.
3) In the purchase confirmation that you received to email, there included the unsubscribe link.
Take into account, when your subscription cycle ended, your full access will be invalidated.
If you cancel a subscription/payment during the free trial period related to the app, your full access will be immediately deactivated and you lose access to the paid features.
Important! If you delete the app it does not cancel your subscription. To avoid issues, you should cancel your subscription, and only then delete the app.
Updated on: 25/06/2023
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