Articles on: API Services

How can I contact you?

We currently provide support through the following channels:
Support chat in the dashboard

Please note that support chat is not live. We respond when someone is available. Or, if your question requires some research, we'll respond when the answer is ready.
Your request will be processed faster if you describe your issue in the initial message.

Is it possible to get support over the phone?

Unfortunately, we do not offer phone support for a lot of reasons. One of them is that it is impossible to solve most issues without knowing technical details (such as your request ID, JSON in your requests, screenshots, etc.). And it is very difficult to share them with us via voice. That's why, to provide high-quality support, we prefer that support be provided via email or chat.

Can I schedule a call with demo?

Unfortunately, we don't offer a demo call since our 2-way conversation API has everything for self-testing for free. You can check our test chatbot with ChatGPT as a live 24/7 live demo and check our sandbox to try API. Even if we schedule a demo call, we can only show documentation with API requests that are publicly available. Since the product is just an API.

How can I get an answer as quickly as possible?

The best way to contact us is via support chat in the dashboard.

We can solve your issue asap if you describe your issue in the initial message. If your issue is related to sending API requests, please describe the technical details so that we can immediately check what is wrong.
We cannot check your request logs unless you provide technical details of your requests.

I'm not a developer, can I contact you so that you can integrate the API into my server or my CRM?

We are only an API provider and this means that if you plan to use this product, you have programming skills or you have a technical team that can integrate API.
Unfortunately, we don't have services for programming and deploying a product using our API for your purposes.

Updated on: 01/01/2025

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